
January. February. March. April. May. June. July&Augustus. September. November. December.

hungry 4 strays hungry 4 life no invitat- your pity

MOOD: tired..
LISTENING TO: crimewave - crystal castles
WEATHER: icy cold and high shining sun

"Actually that's my secret — I can't even talk about you to anybody because I don't want any more people to know how wonderful you are." ― F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender Is the Night

friday, december 1

new month new layout !! i wanted to go for a winter theme hence the ice aesthetic. im going to try to write everyday!! itll do me some good.. my memory issues are so bad i need to remember more and i heard writing it down helps !!

so, eventful day today.. in the morning i visited N's workplace and got free matcha vanille milk hot aaaaaa it was so good~~!! at school we had practice lessons and then two hour class which me and my friends skipped. we skipped to go work on the homework we didnt do but.. ofcourse we didnt work.. we pierced our friends ear, a helix piercing, with a machine we bought online which was very nervewracking but it ended well!! her piercing was shot in well and it only hurt a bit!

she brought a comically sized ice block to school to ice her wound after. when we were done with it we put it in the sink and when other people wanted to wash their hands they looked really confused. oops.

it was ICY COLDDD outside.. i went home immediately and made oven pizza and a warm vegetable soup. im going to sleep early today! midnight! yayy!!

LISTENING TO: barbados - steve kaldesquad quartet
WEATHER: in the morning everything had a coat of ice but i stayed inside hehe

"Somewhere inside me there'll always be the person I am to-night" ― F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender Is the Night

saturday, december 2

long day :/// studied only for 20mins then cleaned the whole house, made dinner (rice with stir fry greens and chicken), made a cake and then went to sleep. exhausting. i have so many projects next week to hand in but.. i cant find the time! :/

i did finish scott pilgrim tho hehe i love scollace :3 look at the edit below

MOOD: could sleep for ages
LISTENING TO: society - pathetic

I thought so many things & never said a single one aloud. I choked on such longing I couldn’t spit out. Yes, desire is so different when God bore you hungry. I could have devoured anything and still have been starving.
- Yves Olade, Belovéd

tuesday, december 5

picture this, its 6pm, you and your friend are just done with school and you want to get home. your uni is in another city, so you have to take the train home. you rush as you see a train about to leave. you hold hands and jump inside at the last moment, relieved you don't have to wait 30 mins for the next train

after 30 minutes, you dont recognise where you are. you hopped into the wrong train. dread washes over you both as you slowly turn to look at each other. in panic, you get off that stop. as you get your phone to check how to get home, you find out it wouldve been easier if you stayed on that train and got off at a later stop.

now, you both are stranded. your backpack is heavy, a headache begins to pulse, you need to pee and you're extremely cold. you check out the train station and choose to warm up in a nearby store. there you see they sell chocolate letters for 1 euro, only for today. it comforts you both slightly as you sadly grab one and go to the self check out.

anyways, we ended up taking a big detour and got home much later.. so tiring... we were so stupid

also today during class we got free snacks which was nice but my friend and i sat in the back doodling on the board and our teacher got mad.. cmon.. who cares.. we really regretted not skipping. we didnt even understand the material they were talking about

also, my back pain is really bad again. almost can't move my arms. it starts in my back and moves down my arms, its at this place i marked it now.

MOOD: full <3
LISTENING TO: c'est si bon - eartha kitt
WEATHER: pleasant weather and not cold

"The bear loved the deer, it was obvious. It ripped the deer's throat out, and then licked the dying deer with the most passionate affection. I thought of you and me."

― David Cronenberg, Consumed

wednesday, december 6

skipped class with my friends, went to the mall and got fries. theres this fries booth at central station who sells the best fries.. they're kinda pricey, its 5 euros for a small with sauce. but you get so much fries so it really is worth it.. i felt so full afterwards!

when i got home i had trouble finishing my dinner lol...

ended the night with watching king the land!

the pain travelled further down

MOOD: angry
LISTENING TO: flashing lights - kanye west
WEATHER: good.

flashing lights - kanye west

thursday, december 7

saw my bsf today and walked w her to her school and dropped her off like a proud parent

bitchass * dmed me suddenly. shut the fuck up no one cares ab u. "* misses u so much and cries ab u and wants to resolve what he did wrong" IDC idc omfg i really dont care- AS I RECALL I KNOW YOU LOVE TO SHOW OFF BUT I NEVER THOUGHT THAT YOUD TAKE IT THIS FAR WHAT DO I KNOW DUDUDU FLASHING DUDU LIGHTS WHAT DO I KNOOOW FLASHING KNOOW LIGHTS