My diary.


January. February. March. April. May. June. July&Augustus. September. November. December.

13 Jan 2023.

Stumbled upon a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) account that gives certain characters certain traits. According to that account, Raphael smokes weed and Michaelangelo is an ace lesbian.

14 Jan 2023.

Everytime I hear a David Bowie song, or get reminded of the Marauders, a terrible heartache pierces me. They remind me of my friends whom I haven't seen in a long time. If they're somehow reading this, I miss you Prongs and Moony.

15 Jan 2023.

Today I think about Qifrey saying "I wonder if I'll ever be able to sleep at ease".

16 Jan 2023.

Blueballing therapy.

17 Jan 2023.

Some dogs are so ugly God bless.

18 Jan 2023.

Feeling like Woody Harrelson on 10 november, 2015.

19 Jan 2023.

Good media stopped when the show 6teen stopped.

20 Jan 2023.

Forgot to return a book to the local library in 2007??? now I have to pay A HEFTY FINE! 15 dollars (I am slowly going insane).
Here's another quote: "In the darkness of a new moon, lovers cannot see each other's faces, and all things are hidden, never to be revealed."

21 Jan 2023.

Watching Bojack Horseman. Mr Peanut Butter just told Diane that he waits all day on the couch for Diane to come home and when he hears her car in the driveway it's the best part of his day. I would like to die.

22 Jan 2023.

Watched Kill Your Darlings. Who wants to be my Ginsy? A random quote: "At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet".

23 Jan 2023.

I have become a true caveman. I eat spoons of olive oil, spoons of honey. I eat lettuce as a snack. Next thing you know I’ll be communicating with the ladies with me harp.