American movies.

"I took a photo of us, mid-embrace. When I am old and alone I will remember that I once held something truly beautiful."

(gif from the film "Kill your darlings")
click on keanu 'n river to go back to the top

Stand By Me

Stand By Me (1986)

★★★★★ ♥

Added 3 Feb 2023
Review !

so fucking good. the relationship between the boys felt so real and i loved every second of it. a true breakthrough for the actors

Pride & Prejudice

Pride & Prejudice (2005)

★★★★★ ♥

Added 22 Apr 2022
Review !

something about period dramas where the woman doesn't like the man first are so special to me
gorg shots and the setting and clothes r just perfect!! one of my fave movies.. just so comforting and good!
god im in love with this mr darcy. I WANT HIM SO BAD WOWW HES SO SWEET UGH GUYS


Fresh (2022)


Added 22 Apr 2022
Review !

very entertaining!!! loved the fight scenes and the story was weird i liked it sm

The Blair Witch Project

The Blair Witch Project (1999)


Added 17 Apr 2022
Review !

i think the knowledge that they're alone in the woods and the illogical part of your brain going “that could be you” is what makes this scarier than it really is.
some scenes were scary, most weren't. fast forwarded through most of the beginning bc up until the end it was somewhat scary.
the house part was nice though, as was that josh wood part.
it just felt boringgg there were too many filler shots that werent needed..

Megan Is Missing

Megan Is Missing (2011)


Added 17 Apr 2022
Review !

the notion that this was supposedly based on real events was the only thing pulling me through the corny dialogue and the hour long scenes of someone digging a hole, and even that turned out to be false. the torture pics were the only shock value in the movie, i quite liked that. made me feel horrible yadda yadda but that’s it. watching this at night makes me give it two stars instead of one.

Fear Street: 1994

Fear Street: 1994 (2021)


Added 15 Mar 2022
Review !

bad movie. good to watch when u turn ur brain off so all the stupidity flies over your head. the visuals r nice but the plot and story is so messy and not done well and too fast. also unnecessary making out moments (u guys were dying!!!). who made this movie?? watch it for the vibe, don't watch it for a good movie.

The Social Network

The Social Network (2010)


Added 14 Mar 2022
Review !

entertaining movie about highschool and it's epic ups and downs featuring underlying homoerotic dramatic friendship breakups
amazing example on how dialogue heavy films can be VERY GOOD!

Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes (2009)


Added 10 Juli 2021
Review !

may be biased writing this bc i love everything sherlock but oh yes. very very good movie.
first and foremost good book adaptation. kept the fun banter and the silly fights. very nice. casting was also very good i really liked irene adlers choice of casting along with watsons & sherlocks.
the cinematography was SO good! so so good. it felt and looked very real. this was a very good directed movie.
also the underlying sexual tension between irene & sherlock + watson & sherlock .. oh yes very good. enjoyed that very much!


Klaus (2019)


Added 10 Juli 2021
Review !

one of the best animated movies ive watched. make me cry like a little dog at the end.
THE ANIMATIONNNNN holy fuck ... its so visually appealing, and so so fluid!! the no lineart is great and gives off such a homey magical feeling! the aesthetics were EVERYTHING!
the story was so good too! typical, you knew the guy would be changed at the end of the movie, but u didnt know how, and i was pleasantly surprised and content.
the music and the animation.. watched this in the winter, a great choice!!! a big rec if u like animations bc i havent seen a movie that is so unique in such a long time! big props to the animators and character designers. looved it!

Sleepy Hollow

Sleepy Hollow (1999)


Added 10 Juli 2021
Review !

IM SUCH A SUCKER FOR GOTHIC MOVIES!!!!!!! the atmosphere in this movie was everything. the fact that every place was a Real place.. made it feel much more chilling. it was visually so pleasing!!!!! i love aesthetics like this
also johnny looks so good here holy fuck im a little obsessed


Thor (2011)

★★★ ♥

Added 10 Juli 2021
Review !

good movie but couldve been more impactful if they included the cut loki scenes, bc in those scenes u could see how he was still a boy? who just wanted recognition? point is the watchers would be able to sympathise w him more so that the "betrayal" wouldve hit more yk!
and wish they didnt make jane into such a "owo i turn so helpless when hot guy thor around" youre a scientist youre so cool and smart w/o him.. she turns into a whole love smitten girl and ITS WEIRD.. i get love at first sight but like.. idk man im not a full fledged adult idk how adult love works! its just sudden bc no true chemistry ig? wouldve loved it if they kept her just genuinely interested in him bc hes a Random Being out of a Weird Tornado And Shes A Researcher So Shes Fascinated instead of Hot Guy Omg I Need Him. felt like they were throwing her character away? shes a researcher dedicated to her job until she talks w thor. i think im just annoyed at the constant love eyes and unneeded close ups of her love eyes to him
anyways. its interesting to see thor here bc hes changed sm! good for him! and i love lokis chara bc .. yo imagine getting lied to for like 5000+ years.. abt being a thing ur parent said r monsters.. i wouldve been mad too!

Spider-Man: Homecoming

Spider-Man: Homecoming (2018)

★★★★★ ♥

Added 10 Juli 2021
Review !

a sucker for any good spiderman centered movie. i love spiderman!!!! and i think tom did a GREAATTT job at playing him. he perfectly embodies the awkward lovable teenager i envisioned him to be as a kid!!!
the movie was superr enjoyable and god i just loved it

Little Women

Little Women


Added 10 Juli 2021
Review !

enjoyed it a lot!!! the mc was suuper sympathisable! i understand why she does the way she does things. its very easy to understand her, for me at least? btw yes timothée looked great here. so did all the other girls btw!!!!! i love movies in old settings so this was rly enjoyable.
at some point i was getting sick of the sibling rivalry but realised its only bc i experience/have experienced the same thing and had to be the mediator/standby watcher so often .. it was p realistic. someone get me a timothée as friend
oh!1 i was roothing for the mc to be w timothée bc they matched so well.. made me sad but also ig the sister deserved happiness too? BUT STILL.. such a comfort film

Black Panther

Black Panther


Added 10 Juli 2021
Review !

made me cry! i was so deprived of good diversity in marvel movies that this turned into a comfort movie. the cinematography was so good there were sm pretty shots. i liked all the characters a lot and the story was so good? i was invested! loved it loved it. love african pride

Good Will Hunting

Good Will Hunting (1997)

★★★★★ ♥

Added 10 Juli 2021
Review !

watched this in math class since it "technically is a math movie" and didn’t expect anything, yet ended up bawling at the end like a baby. i think my careless attitude while watching this film much like the main character during the beginning of this film made the emotional impact even bigger
i have a thing for (emotionally) tortured characters getting help of a father figure. gets me everytime!!!! the "its not your fault" part made my heart ache.
the aesthetic appeal of the characters life was insane .. i too want to live carefree and have piles and piles of books in my home and devour them all.
it made me so happy seeing how supportive his friends are. i’m glad he has good friends.
but seriously guys. such an uplifting beautiful film. this truly was an experience and i can’t stop recommending this to everyone. it changed something in me and i’m so grateful for having watched this.
